
May 1, 2023

110 Transgender Kids and Parental Rights / Mammoth Balls

The extreme right and the extreme left have gone crazy! They are both trying to eliminate the rights of parents to raise their "transgender" or "gender confused" children. Both sides cry out, "Child abuse!" to the other sid...

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April 24, 2023

109 Who is selling your prayers? / Can you sell your organs?

Religious social media companies are harvesting your prayers and selling them to the highest bidder. If you are not paying for it, you are the product! Then, the (small, but) growing movement to allow prisoners to sell their...

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April 17, 2023

108 Scapegoats and Immigrants with Sociologist Matt Vos / Weird news

Part 2 of our conversation with Sociologist Matt Vos -- on the role of scapegoats in societies, and in our own relationships . . . with a powerful story to illustrate the evils of scapegoating. We also discuss how this relat...

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April 10, 2023

107 Sociology of the Stranger with Matt Vos / Poop attack!

We talk with sociologist Matt Vos about the role of the "stranger" in every society. What should/can we do with "outsiders" or those on the margins? Theology and sociology in dialogue about this important topic. Then, anoth...

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April 3, 2023

106 Airline Justice / Cocaine Bear

On commercial flights do you lean your seat back? Airlines use this feature to focus the frustration of travelers to each other rather than the airlines themselves. They sell the same space twice on every seat for every fli...

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March 27, 2023

105 Paying College Athletes / Dune Buggies

As we approach the "Final Four," how does money affect college athletics? Men's basketball and football make buckets of money for schools, but the athletes don't see any of the money. New changes allow athletes to sell thei...

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March 20, 2023

104 Patriarchy and Malestrom with Carolyn Custis James

Carolyn Custis James on ancient and modern patriarchy, and the updated edition of her book Malestrom . . . and her biblical vision for manhood and womanhood. Carolyn Custis James thehopperpodcast.org Bonus Episodes here Leave...

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March 13, 2023

103 Nuclear Power / Daylight Savings Time

William sings the praises of Nuclear Power, with history, statistics, and nuanced arguments And, why do we have Daylight Savings Time? Who is benefiting from this madness? thehopperpodcast.org Bonus Episodes here Leave a voi...

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March 6, 2023

102 Cyberbullies / The Monty Hall Puzzle

Stories of bullies and cyberbullies; how can we treat them? how can we help? Then, the classic Monty Hall Puzzle. Why is it so hard to understand something so simple? thehopperpodcast.org Bonus Episodes here Leave a voicema...

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Feb. 27, 2023

101 "He Gets Us" / Sexy M&M's

The good, bad, and ugly of the "He Gets Us" campaign. Dave really likes it, William has reservations. Then, the M&M's characters have lost their "sex appeal," and some people have lost their minds! Is that good or bad? Wh...

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Feb. 20, 2023

100 Homelessness, how can we help for real?

More that 500,000 people live without homes, and this is growing super fast. The causes of are super complex; and the solutions are equally complex. Join us for some evidence-based analysis and ways we can help. thehopperp...

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Feb. 13, 2023

99 Should we ban pornography? with Jim Nelson / Ghosts

Jim Nelson joins us again as we discuss a ban on pornography. Then, what should we think of ghosts? There is more mystery here than some think, but we're not completely in the dark. thehopperpodcast.org Bonus Episodes here ...

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Feb. 6, 2023

98 Book Banning in Libraries with Jim Nelson

Librarian Jim Nelson joins us to bring some sanity to the Right-wing crazies and Left-wing wackos recently fighting about banning books in school libraries. These bans are mostly books related to LGBTQ+ and race issues. theh...

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Jan. 30, 2023

97 Is America a Christian nation? part 2 / Bizarre Medical Procedures

Our continuing conversation on the recently passed American law that 1) protects religious freedom and, 2) ensures every state's marriage license is recognized by all other states. Dave and William disagree, and show how thi...

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Jan. 23, 2023

96 Is America a Christian nation? / Funny gravestones

Is America a Christian nation? If so, to what degree? In what aspects? This topic is so complex! It requires great nuance with a heaping scoop of listening to opposing view points. There is disagreement here, but let's l...

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Jan. 16, 2023

95 Crossing yourself as a placebo for spiritual growth

Responding to a listener's question about using specific actions (genuflection and other physical rituals) as a placebo for spiritual growth. Can bodily motions lead to greater spiritual growth? And if so, what difference i...

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Jan. 9, 2023

94 Navigating Pain with Scott Owen Moore / Rejected License Plates

"Does God like suffering?" This question opens an important discussion about how we can navigate our pain and suffering, and how God can help. This is part 2 of our discussion with Scott Owen Moore. Then, sometimes vanity l...

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Jan. 2, 2023

93 "I am art" with Scott Owen Moore / Dream Team Draft of 70's Rock B…

We sit down with Scott Owen Moore, an artist/missionary/producer to talk about his project, "I am art," using art to heal the souls of traumatized Guatemalan children, among many other important issues. Then, Dave schools Wil...

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Dec. 26, 2022

92 Christmas myths / Prescribing moral values to others

What is the real story of Christmas according to the Bible? Did Mary ride a donkey? How many wise men were there? What does the Bible actually say? Then, responding to a listener, we discuss "us vs. them" mentality. We te...

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Dec. 19, 2022

91 Strange Christmas Traditions / Bill Cosby: can we still watch his …

Some people have really crazy Christmas traditions, including Krampus, Dia del diablo, the Poo Log, and the Caganer. Where do these things come from? Then, Bill Cosby is a terrible person, but he did some really great thing...

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Dec. 12, 2022

90 Should John 8 be in the Bible? / Dirtiest Man / Captain Kirk in sp…

Christians everywhere, always have loved the story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery from John's gospel. But John didn't write it. Who did? What should we think of it? This leads us to a deeper discussion: what mak...

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Dec. 5, 2022

89 Cold Water Therapy / When Ministry Hurts

Dave talks about his experience of the therapeutic benefits of cold water therapy. Then, Dave tells several stories of his ministry to elderly people and some of the struggles, including the beginning of his story of the fire...

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Nov. 28, 2022

88 Affirmative Action in University Admissions / Brown Friday

The Supreme Court is deliberating on 2 cases regarding racial affirmative action in university admissions. This requires thoughtful, compassionate, nuanced consideration. BONUS episodes here Leave a voicemail for us: 214.267...

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Nov. 21, 2022

87 Iranian American Erica Kasraie on Iranian history, politics, and c…

Part 2, Iranian American Erica Kasraie talks about her work as an activist for her Iranian friends and family, her opinion of Presidents Obama and Trump, what the media gets wrong, the history and culture of Iran, and how we ...

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